Meet the team

Introducing the team behind NeueHome's real estate success: Meet the professionals committed to finding your dream home.

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NeueHome team members smiling on a sunny day in front of a house,

NeueHome team

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Emily Thompson, New Homeowner
Discovering my perfect home with NeueHome's help was a stress-free experience. Their knowledgeable team provided invaluable guidance every step of the way, making me feel confident.
Emily Thompson, New Homeowner
Michael and Sara Rodriguez, Relocating Family
NeueHome's exceptional service turned our daunting relocation process into a smooth and pleasant journey. Their team's professionalism and understanding of our family's needs were remarkable, and helped us streamline the process.
Michael and Sara Rodriguez, Relocating Family
Lisa Green, Home Renovator
NeueHome made finding the right property an exciting adventure. Their team's dedication to understanding my vision and providing tailored advice was invaluable in making my renovation project a success.
Lisa Green, Home Renovator
Johnathan Lee, First-Time Homebuyer
Working with NeueHome was an absolute delight. Their understanding of my unique needs made the process of finding my dream home seamless and enjoyable. Their team's expertise and warm approach were truly appreciated.
Johnathan Lee, First-Time Homebuyer

Interested in joining the team?

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Drop us a line
A couple looking at a house with a real estate agent. The house is a suburban neighbourhood of western Canada.
Real estate agent signing papers with a client on a kitchen table.
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