Common questions about NeueHome and the broader real estate market.

FAQ - New home research

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Is it better to buy a new home or an older property?
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This depends on your preferences and priorities. New homes often come with modern amenities and less immediate repair needs, but they might be more expensive. Older homes can have more character and potentially lower purchase prices, but they may require more maintenance and upgrades.
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How much down payment do I need as a first-time homebuyer?
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The down payment can vary, typically ranging from 3% to 20% of the home's purchase price. Some loan programs for first-time buyers require lower down payments, but it's important to remember that a smaller down payment may mean higher ongoing monthly expenses.
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What steps should I take before beginning my home search?
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Start by assessing your budget and getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Research different neighborhoods to find one that suits your lifestyle and needs. Also, consider your long-term goals and how a home purchase fits into those plans.
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FAQ - Home leasing solutions

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What are my rights as a tenant?
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Tenant rights vary by location, but generally include the right to a habitable living environment, the right to privacy, and protection against unlawful eviction. You also have the right to receive your security deposit back in a timely manner, barring any significant damage to the property.
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Can I negotiate the terms of my lease agreement?
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Yes, lease terms can sometimes be negotiable. You can discuss terms such as rent amount, lease duration, renewal options, and clauses regarding early termination or subletting.
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FAQ - Mortgage & financing

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What should I expect during the closing process of buying a home?
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The closing process involves finalizing your mortgage, conducting a final walk-through, and signing various legal documents. Expect to pay closing costs, which can include loan origination fees, appraisal fees, title insurance, and taxes.
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How do I know if a property is priced fairly?
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Analyze the comparative market analysis, which includes prices of similar homes recently sold in the area. Also, consider the property's condition, location, size, and any unique features or upgrades.
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